Monday, July 9, 2012

This Past Week...

Time is a funny thing sometimes. Last time I came to Italy, it went by in the blink of a eye. This summer, I feel like it's going by quickly, and yet, I feel like I've been here for a really long time. I'm not sure if that makes much sense, but I guess my point is that I can't believe 2/3 of my summer is already over! We have a little bit more free time this month, so I'm really looking forward to doing some more travel! Here are some of the recent happenings on this side of the world!

 {starting the day off right}

 {a room with a view}

 {some local entertainment}
 {a visit to a medieval town...}

 {...with a beautiful view}

  {guiding a day trip to Florence...}

 {...where we could get our favorite gelato}

{the beautiful Tuscan countryside that makes runs to counteract the above gelato much more enjoyable!}

Hope you all are having a fabulous start to your July!


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